Recipe: DIY modelling clay
Make your own decorations or have fun with your kids with this DIY self-hardening clay
Ingredient list
Recipient: Small tank (250mL)
Small tank (250mL)
Large tank (750mL)
Containers to use:
4 x silicone mold
4 x silicone mold
4.52 €
1 days
4.52 €
Make your own decorations or have fun with your children with this self-hardening modeling clay.
Very easy to make with just 2 ingredients, and just wait at room temperature to create porcelain-like objects - modeled by you!
Let your imagination run wild and share your creations!
Use your clay on the same day before it hardens.
Precautions before starting
Before starting, it is advisable to clean and disinfect the work surface and the utensils: the prepared products will go on the skin, it is therefore necessary to avoid any microbial contamination!
Thoroughly clean the BeautyMix. Then, soak a clean cloth in 70° alcohol (available in supermarkets) and use it to disinfect the BeautyMix tank and all the utensils. Let dry.
Clean the work surface and remove objects that could get in the way.
Place a clean paper towel on the work surface, and place the utensils on it. Have available: a clean teaspoon or spatula, and a clean, dry container for pouring the preparation once ready. Wash hands thoroughly.
Respect the dosages indicated for the ingredients of the recipe.
Need more information ? Consult the "Getting Started" page.
Thoroughly clean the BeautyMix. Then, soak a clean cloth in 70° alcohol (available in supermarkets) and use it to disinfect the BeautyMix tank and all the utensils. Let dry.
Clean the work surface and remove objects that could get in the way.
Place a clean paper towel on the work surface, and place the utensils on it. Have available: a clean teaspoon or spatula, and a clean, dry container for pouring the preparation once ready. Wash hands thoroughly.
Respect the dosages indicated for the ingredients of the recipe.
Need more information ? Consult the "Getting Started" page.
Thoroughly clean your work surface.
Put the household baking soda and cornstarch in the pan then add the water little by little until you get a good consistency over low heat with a spatula. The remaining water will be used to moisten the dough to prevent it from drying out during modeling.
Let the dough rest for a moment. As soon as it has the right consistency, start shaping it. Add a little water if it dries out while you're still working on it.
Leave your creations to harden in the open air (turning them from time to time).
Once hardened, you can color them if you wish.
And There you go !