Essential oils against acne and pimples - natural treatment
Aromatherapy to effectively and naturally overcome acne problems (small and large pimples) and other imperfections. Our skin changes between adolescence and adulthood. Our advice and recipes adapted to each period.

Our aromatherapy and phytotherapy advice to overcome small and large pimples. Our skin changes between adolescence and adulthood. Acne too. Unfortunately all age groups can be affected. Our file will help you better understand who is affected & why and tell you how to effectively treat acne in a 100% natural and effective way.

Essential oils against acne, a natural treatment

Express recipes

Tea tree and lavender essential oil to treat acne:

Tea tree and lavender essential oil to treat acne and pimples

Very simple is very effective!! The combination of these 2 essential oils is perfect against acne and pimples. The tea tree takes care of the bacteria responsible for the pimple and the lavender reduces inflammation and therefore redness.

Make the following mixture in a glass codigoutte bottle:

How to use it ?

1 drop of the preparation on the pimple morning and evening until it disappears. Not recommended during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Natural treatment with essential oils against acne

Natural treatment with essential oils against pimples and acne

Our essential oil synergy recipe for a complete treatment of acne: anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, healing, tonic, anti-pruritic and regenerating. Perfect for small AND large, red, infected spots.

Prepare in 1 glass bottle equipped with a codigoutte:

* not recommended during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Be careful, Calendula HV can stain clothes.

How to use it ?

A small drop locally on each pimple 2 to 3 times a day.
Recipe to refine skin texture in case of acne

Recipe to refine skin texture in case of acne or pimples

This beauty synergy refines the skin texture, mattifies and brightens the complexion. Use all over the face, avoiding the eye area.

How to use it ?

Apply all over the face morning and evening.
Our cosmetics suitable for acne

Our cosmetics suitable for acne or pimples

Moisturizing, not very oily (therefore not very nourishing for skin that should not be over-greased), rich in anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory active ingredients.

Here is our selection suitable for acne-prone and blemish-prone skin.

  • Jojoba/hazelnut/lemon night cream for oily skin
  • Hazelnut/Tea tree/lavender day cream for oily skin
  • Rhassoul and HV Argan mask
  • Lavender cleansing water

How to use it ?

Consult the instructions for each product


These synergies should not be used in pregnant women (during the entire pregnancy), breastfeeding women and children under 7 years old.
These properties and methods of use do not constitute medical advice. For therapeutic use consult a doctor.

What is acne?

What is acne?

What is acne?

To properly use essential oils (EO) and “anti-acne” plants, you must first understand what acne is and where it comes from.

Acne is a chronic disease of the pilosebaceous follicle. At the root of the hair that we have all over our body, there is a small gland that produces sebum. In adolescents with acne, this gland produces too much sebum. The skin is oily and shiny. By producing sebum, the follicle becomes clogged, the cells die, keratin accumulates and a comedo forms. These are called “blackheads”. Sometimes a bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) proliferates in the sebum. We then find ourselves with an inflammatory pimple (red, swollen and painful): “red papules”. And sometimes even, if we touch it too much, we super-infect the spot: these are then “yellow and purulent pustules”. Two types of acne therefore predominate:

  • retentional acne: majority of blackheads
  • inflammatory acne: majority of papules and pustules

Acne most often occurs in adolescents (hormonal changes). It is more common in boys than in girls. On the other hand, in adulthood, more women are affected than men. The big difference between adolescent acne and adult acne: adolescents have pimples and oily skin while adult women have pimples but overall drier skin.

Essential oils to treat acne and pimples

Here is a quick summary of essential oils and virgin oils known for their anti-acne effects. We have only listed here the properties which are of interest in the context of acne. Some essential oils can be put pure on a very small area: a pimple for example (see the recipes) but in general an essential oil must be diluted in a neutral vegetable oil. These vegetable oils (HV) can also have anti-acne properties (but to a lesser extent). Unlike essential oils, vegetable oils often have no (or very few) contraindications.

Here is our TOP 5 essential oils:

Tea tree essential oil:

Probably the most famous and effective for treating pimples and acne:

Antibacterial: +++
Antiviral: ++
Antifungal: ++

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Fine lavender essential oil:

The most versatile:

Antibacterial: +
Antiviral: ++
Antifungal: ++
Healing and regenerating: +++
Calming and pain relieving: ++
Anti-inflammatory: ++

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Geranium essential oil:

Skin beauty oil:

Antibacterial: +
Antifungal: ++
Tonic / astringent: ++
Anti-inflammatory: +

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Ho wood essential oil:

Beauty and effectiveness:

Antibacterial: ++
Antiviral: ++
Antifungal: ++
Tonic / astringent: ++

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Lemon eucalyptus oil:

For pimples with inflammation:

Antifungal: ++
Calming and pain relieving: ++
Anti-inflammatory: +++

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NOTE: If in doubt, do not hesitate to seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

What are vegetable oils for acne and pimples

Here are some for your preparations or to dilute your essential oils:

Black seed oil:

Perfectly suited for acne or psoriasis, it also has anti-aging properties. It is healing, anti-inflammatory, soothing and above all anti-bacterial.

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Hazelnut oil:

Non-comedogenic, it balances sebum production in oily skin. Very rich in unsaturated fatty acids, this oil with its delicious scent is calming, healing and nourishing. It promotes the elimination of blackheads and tightens pores.

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Macadamia oil:

Very versatile use for hydrating skin and hair. Can also be used on oily skin.

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Calendula macerate:

Anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties, this macerate is calming and soothing. It is useful for sunburn, redness, irritation, eczema, pimples.

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Rosehip oil:

Skin lifting, this oil gives a fresh complexion and is useful for very reactive and blemish-prone skin. Very effective in reducing scars caused by acne. But be careful, used in too large a quantity, this oil can become comedogenic (it is therefore preferable to use it diluted or very locally on a scar).

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Jojoba oil:

Anti-aging even on oily skin, it is also very effective in preparing and protecting the skin from sun damage. Moisturizing, it also regulates sebum secretion.

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Health explanation

Our herbal medicine advice for treating acne

Here are some plants and natural compounds, which taken orally, also have very effective anti-acne properties.
Burdock: for acne and skin infections. Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, it is also depurative and recommended for oily skin problems.

Pensée Sauvage: depurative of the skin, it is also astringent and slows down the secretion of sebum.

Nettle: very rich in minerals, notably zinc and copper, with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, it is ideal for acne but also for hair loss and brittle nails.

Brewer's yeast: known in the treatment of acne thanks to its anti-bacterial properties, it is also known for treating dry and dull skin, dull and brittle nails and hair.

Our cosmetic advice against acne

Choosing the right cosmetics when you have problem skin is essential. Cleansers, creams, masks and scrubs should be appropriate.
The konjac sponge with bamboo charcoal for gentle cleansing: useful for oily skin, it eliminates impurities, exfoliates and promotes blood circulation. It can also be used with milk for ultra-gentle make-up removal. Naturally anti-bacterial and purifying, it can be used without soap for gentle cleaning.
Rhassoul and other purifying and soothing clays: it is important to choose your clay carefully, each color has particular properties. Mix the clays with water, they can be used in masks and exfoliate the skin. You can add certain essential oils but always with a little vegetable oil!!! However, be careful of skin irritation!

● Rhassoul: degreasing, decongestant, soothing, softening, purifying
● White clay: soothing for sensitive, delicate and dry skin
● Yellow clay: anti-stain and healthy-looking effect (vein tonic), it mattifies, cleanses and tones

● Green clay: This is the IDEAL clay for acne: mattifies, cleanses, deeply purifies and detoxifies

Use hydrosols to complete a perfect cleansing of your skin: each hydrosol has different qualities. Hydrosol of true lavender for acne, sage to regulate sebum production, cornflower as a tonic and for the eye area, rosemary with verbenone which unclogs pores or chamomile as an anti-inflammatory.

Daily tips

Our daily advice and tips against acne

Our daily advice and tips against small pimples and acne!

  • Skin hygiene: it is important to follow a daily skin cleansing ritual. But be careful cleaning does not mean attacking! Always use very gentle makeup remover and cleansing solutions (so as not to remove all the sebum from the skin... which will otherwise produce more sebum to protect itself = reappearance of pimples! even in larger quantities!) but not greasy. After cleansing, apply an astringent toner which will tighten pores and give a fresh complexion. Finish by applying a moisturizing but non-greasy cream (based on hazelnut oil for example). Note: “we hydrate with water and we nourish with oil”. Acne-prone skin needs to be “hydrated” a lot but not “nourished” a lot, at the risk of seeing spots reappear.
  • Avoid “drying” in the sun. Let me explain: you put on the cream, you bathe, the cream goes away, then you get out of the water and wait, quite logically, until you are dry before applying it again! Yes, that’s where we burn!
  • Food hygiene: fats and sugars, whether we like it or not, promote pimples! If you suffer from chronic acne, avoid chocolate and other sweets: good for your morale, they are toxic for the skin. Also avoid alcohol and cigarettes, which are harmful to the skin. Note: the skin is one of the organs that drain our body (such as the liver, kidneys, intestines and lungs). All these organs therefore reflect our diet and suffer if we do not eat properly.
  • Mental hygiene: Stress promotes the progression of acne. Relaxing helps reduce acne...easier said than done...consider diffusing lavender with its powerful relaxing and stress-relieving properties!!
  • Beware of false friends: ➢ The sun gives a beautiful tanned complexion and eliminates spots by drying the skin but they come back with more beauty afterwards!! ➢ Scratching: leaves scars! ➢ Shaving: as infrequent as possible because it irritates the skin.

Essential oils against nail fungus - natural remedies
Our recipes and natural remedies to treat nail fungus (hands and feet). How to avoid catching them!! or if it is ever too late, how to effectively get rid of these sometimes very annoying fungi.