How to use Rosemary cineole essential oil?
Bronchitis, rhinitis, colds, sinusitis, in case of wet cough, find out how to use rosemary cineole essential oil orally, on the skin or in diffusion? what are its properties and benefits for your health?

What are the properties of rosemary cineole essential oil?

Rosemary cineole essential oil decongests the respiratory tract and has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties. It helps to thin mucus and promotes its elimination. Tonic and anti-dandruff, it is also used to combat hair loss and dull hair.
NOTE: discover our many recipes, mixtures & formulas a little further down!

The essential
  • Botanical name: Rosmarinus officinalis cineole
  • Part of the plant used: leaves and flowering tops
  • Health & well-being properties

  • Expectorants
  • Mucolytique
  • physically stimulating
  • mental stimulant
  • Anti-infectious
  • Beauty properties

  • Hair strengthening
  • Skin toner
  • Antipelliculaire
  • Health, in case of:

  • Respiratory infections
  • Bronchitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Plague
  • Persistent cold
  • Chronic fatigue
  • In your cosmetics for:

  • Greasy hair
  • Dandruff
  • Hair loss
  • Oily skin


The essential oils that we present to you are effective and very rich in active ingredients. The indicated dosages should not be exceeded.

  • As a food supplement (oral): 2 drops 3 times a day for a maximum of 5 days (see precautions for use).
  • In your non-rinsed facial treatments (day cream, make-up remover milk, two-phase, etc.): maximum 1 drop per 10 ml of product (i.e. 0.3%).
  • In your rinsed facial treatments (scrubs, masks, etc.): maximum 2 drops per 10 ml of product (i.e. 0.6%).
  • In your non-rinsed body cosmetics (balms, beauty oils, moisturizing milk, nourishing creams, etc.): max 1 drop per 10 ml of product (i.e. 0.3%).
  • In your rinsed-off body cosmetics (shower gels, scrubs, etc.): max 2 drops per 10 ml of product (i.e. 0.6%).

Our pharmacist's opinion

Our pharmacist

Why use rosemary cineole essential oil?

In aromatherapy, rosemary cineole essential oil is mainly recognized for its mucolytic, expectorant and decongestant properties of the respiratory tract. A powerful anti-infectious agent, it helps fight winter viruses, both for prevention and curative treatment. Rosemary is frequently used in infusion or hot toddy in the same way as thyme. Rosemary cineole essential oil is also often used in cosmetics, particularly in hair care. Rosemary, a small Mediterranean shrub, mainly produces 3 essential oils of different chemotypes (chemical composition): cineole rosemary, used mainly for the respiratory tract, camphor rosemary, very useful in cases of cramps and muscle pain, and rosemary verbenone which helps fight liver problems.

How to properly use rosemary cineole essential oil?

Here are the TOP 2 uses for which rosemary cineole essential oil seems essential to me. Please note, the benefits and properties of rosemary cineole essential oil are not limited to the points below, but it is among the most effective, if not the best, for treating the following situations:
  • A very powerful and very effective essential oil for all respiratory infections. Both for prevention and curative.
  • Very suitable for many hair problems: oily hair, hair loss, dandruff, etc.

What are the possible ways of using rosemary cineole essential oil?

YES done
An inhalation
In cosmetic use
In broadcast
In the kitchen
In olfactotherapy, to manage my emotions
To maintain my house
Complete recipes and formulations

Rosemary cineole essential oil cutaneously


Prepare in a 100 ml bottle fitted with a service cap, a mixture composed of:

  • 50 ml of jojoba vegetable oil
  • 50 ml coconut oil
  • 20 drops of true lavender essential oil
  • 20 drops of rosemary cineole essential oil

Shake to homogenize the preparation. Apply approximately 10 ml to dry hair (being careful not to apply near the eyes), in the evening before bedtime and leave on overnight under a bathing cap. The next morning, shampoo gently and remove the nits with a lice comb. Repeat the application once a week for 1 month if necessary.

Dandruff and oily hair

Add 1 drop of rosemary cineole essential oil to your dose of shampoo.

Massage then rinse. This synergy can be used a maximum of 1 to 2 times per week. If more frequent shampooing is necessary, use your regular shampoo without adding essential oil.

Rosemary cineole essential oil taken orally

Fatty cough

Mix (WELL) in half a spoonful of honey:

  • 1 drop of rosemary cineole essential oil
  • 1 drop of radiant eucalyptus essential oil

Then let it melt in your mouth. Use this synergy 2 to 3 times a day for 3 to 4 days if necessary. The spoonful of honey can also be diluted in a thyme herbal tea for example. Be careful, however, not to dilute essential oils in water that is too hot to avoid deterioration of the active compounds in the essential oil by heat.

Rosemary essential oil with cineole in diffusion

Prevention and treatment of colds and winter viruses

Diffuse for 30 minutes morning and evening:

  • 3 drops of rosemary cineole essential oil
  • 4 drops of ravintsara essential oil
  • 4 drops of radiant eucalyptus essential oil

Synergy antifatigue


  • 3 drops of rosemary cineole essential oil
  • 2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil
  • 4 drops of grapefruit essential oil

Diffuse in the morning to invigorate your mind and give yourself a “boost”.

Precautions & information

Before using each essential oil, be sure to take note of the precautions to follow. For example, certain essential oils are photosensitizing, prohibited for pregnant women, not recommended for people with epilepsy, the elderly, hypertensive people, or even prohibited in cases of hormone-dependent problems or mastosis. These precautions and restrictions are available either on the bottle of the essential oil concerned, or on the “product page” of our site.
For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, consult a doctor. The information given in this file does not constitute a prescription, it remains given for informational purposes and in no way engages our responsibility.
The texts, known properties, examples of use and routes of administration presented in this file are general information taken from authoritative bibliographies in the field of essential oils and aromatherapy.

Discover all our advice for choosing the essential oil diffuser best suited to your needs

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