Chamomile essential oil against stress
Chamomile essential oil is one of the most relaxing oils in the world of aromatherapy. Calming and soothing, it is recommended in cases of stress, anxiety and sleep disorders, because it acts directly on the nervous system.

Where does stress come from?

Stress is a normal response of our body to adapt to a specific situation. Essential to our survival, it becomes negative when it takes up too much space in our daily lives and prevents us from moving forward normally. Hot flashes, rapid breathing, racing heart, tremors, all these physical signs are symptoms of acute stress. But when anxiety becomes chronic, it can be the source of lasting disorders such as insomnia, headaches or even intense fatigue. There are natural remedies to combat stress, Roman chamomile essential oil, for example.

NOTE: discover our many recipes, mixtures & formulas a little further down!

Why use chamomile essential oil against stress?

Roman chamomile essential oil is one of the essential oils that is particularly well tolerated by the whole family. Also called noble chamomile, it is extremely effective in combating stress and nervous illnesses.

Our pharmacist's opinion

Our pharmacist

1 - The benefits of chamomile essential oil in cases of anxiety and anxiety

Roman chamomile essential oil is one of the most relaxing oils in the world of aromatherapy. Calming and soothing, it is recommended in cases of stress, anxiety and sleep disorders, because it acts directly on the central nervous system. It allows agitated and anxious people to let go and gain the necessary perspective.

2 - How does chamomile essential oil work in cases of stress and nervousness?

Rich in monoterpene esters, monoterpenols and ketones, Roman chamomile essential oil has multiple properties particularly sought after for treating the symptoms of stress. Antispasmodic, relaxing and sedative, it reduces muscle and nervous spasms, calms anxiety and facilitates sleep.

How to use Roman chamomile essential oil in case of stress?

Roman chamomile essential oil is the ideal oil if you are facing nervous shock or suffering from insomnia. It is used pure or in combination with other essential oils to benefit from their complementarity.

Complete recipes and formulations

Stress - Oral use

In case of anxiety due to high stress

Place a drop of Roman chamomile essential oil directly under the tongue.
Source: My bible of essential oils by Danièle Festy.

    Stress - Dermal use

    Pure to calm the nerves in case of excessive nervousness

    Adult: apply 3 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil to the solar plexus, the nape of the neck and the veins of the wrist, diluted to 20% in a vegetable oil for massages (i.e. 1 drop of essential oil for 4 drops of vegetable oil), 3 times a day.
    Source: My bible of essential oils by Danièle Festy and Anne Dufour.

      To combat stress

      Mix :

      • 1 drop of Roman chamomile essential oil
      • 1 drop of marjoram essential oil
      • 1 drop of fine lavender essential oil
      • ¼ teaspoon sweet almond vegetable oil

      Apply this preparation to the solar plexus, the inside of the wrists, along the spine and under the arch of the foot, twice a day. Make sure to perform slow, calm movements while breathing deeply.
      Source: Massages and self-massages with essential oils by Danièle Festy.

      To relax

      In a 30 ml bottle, prepare a mixture of these 3 essential oils in equal quantities, diluted to 10% in apricot kernel vegetable oil:

      • 1 ml of Roman chamomile essential oil
      • 1 ml of true lavender essential oil
      • 1 ml of ylang-ylang essential oil
      • 27 ml apricot kernel oil

      1 ml = approximately 30 drops. Apply 15 to 20 drops of this preparation, 1 to 3 times a day, to the solar plexus, the inside of both wrists, the arch of the foot and/or along the spine.
      Source: The family guide to essential oils by L. Bec, É. Gerbeau, C. Hofman, R. Le Jeune.

      In the event of an anxiety attack in the face of a stressful situation.

      Breathe, calmly and deeply, directly into an open bottle of Roman chamomile essential oil for 5 seconds to relieve anxiety.
      Source: My bible of essential oils by Danièle Festy and Anne Dufour.

        Stress - Broadcast use

        Complete formula to diffuse to reduce anxiety due to stress

        Pour into the diffuser:

        • 2 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil
        • 3 drops of Ho wood essential oil
        • 2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil
        • 3 drops of frankincense essential oil

        Diffuse for 20 minutes and repeat if necessary up to 3 times a day.
        Source: My bible of essential oils by Danièle Festy and Anne Dufour.

        Other essential oils useful in cases of stress

        • Ylang-ylang essential oil: its hypotensive and antiarrhythmic properties help reduce blood pressure and slow down the heart to calm the symptoms of stress, particularly shortness of breath.
        • Fine lavender essential oil: relaxing and soothing, it acts on the body by limiting muscle spasms and relaxing the muscles.

        Precautions & information

        Before using each essential oil, be sure to take note of the precautions to follow. For example, certain essential oils are photosensitizing, dermocaustic, prohibited for pregnant women, children, not recommended for people with epilepsy, the elderly, hypertensive people, etc. or even prohibited in cases of hormone-dependent problems or mastosis.
        These precautions and restrictions are available either on the bottle of the essential oil concerned, or on the “product page” of our site.

        In general, for any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, consult a doctor or pharmacist. Consult a medical opinion if you are already taking medication or if you are subject to a chronic illness (asthma, hormone-dependent pathologies, etc.). The information given on this page does not constitute a prescription, it remains given for informational purposes and in no way engages our responsibility. The known properties, examples of use and routes of administration presented in this file are general information taken from authoritative bibliographies in the field of essential oils and aromatherapy.

        Using essential oil is not without risk. If in doubt, seek medical advice.

        Discover all our advice for choosing the essential oil diffuser best suited to your needs

        Fine lavender essential oil against stress
        Lavender essential oil is perfect for combating stress. Its properties are among the most powerful and capable of acting directly on the emotions in cases of nervous agitation, anxiety, or even anxiety.