How to use green clay as a poultice?
Burns, rheumatism, back pain or even toothache, the indications for green clay are inexhaustible. What are the benefits of green clay poultices? how to use them? how to make them yourself?

Using theGreen clay

Why use green clay as a poultice?

Burn, rheumatism, back pain or even toothache, the indications ofGreen clay are inexhaustible. Used for millennia, this 100% natural material which forms in the earth following the erosion of rocks, is full of benefits for the body. Applied as a poultice, green clay is the ideal active ingredient to relieve inflammation and accelerate the healing of your wounds.

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Why choose this product?
Green clay comes from the decomposition and crystallization of the superficial parts of the earth's crust. Rich in minerals, notably aluminum silicate and trace elements such as iron or magnesium, this material with countless properties is unparalleled for treating your everyday ailments. Its main element, silica, is one of the components of human body tissues. It helps, among other things, to strengthen the strength of bones and contributes to the good health of teeth, hair and muscles.
Used as a poultice, the most common forms of green clay, illite and montmorillonite, are fabulous for absorbing fluids and eliminating toxins. They allow, for example, to reduce pain in the event of insect bites or to relieve sore joints.

Use: How to use green clay as a poultice?

L’Green clay Green clay as a poultice has multiple indications. It works miracles in particular on trauma such as sprains, tendinitis, lumbago or edema. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and remineralizing properties, it also helps to alleviate suffering in the case of chronic pathologies such as osteoarthritis or rheumatism.

The icing on the cake is that this treatment with multiple virtues can be prepared in just a few minutes!

The first step consists of making the green clay dough which will then be used to make the poultice. This must only be prepared with wooden or glass utensils, as metal tends to denature the clay and cause it to lose its properties.
To make a good clay paste, add a dose of clay, either in powder or granules, to water, adapting the quantity according to the area to be treated. Then, let the mixture sit for 10 to 15 minutes so that the clay is completely rehydrated.

Once gently mixed, place the green clay paste on a strip of cotton or a sterile compress a few centimeters thick, then apply it directly to the area of the body to be treated. Simply press lightly on the poultice then bandage it to ensure that it stays in place for the entire duration of application, which can vary between 30 minutes and several hours depending on the desired effect.

Once the poultice is removed, simply rinse with clean water and dry well.
The green clay poultice can be made with hot water and surrounded by cling film to treat osteoarthritis pain or with cold water to deflate a sprained ankle for example.

Green clay poultice for whom and for what types of use?

Green clay poultice is the essential ingredient if you suffer from:

Joint, rheumatic or muscular pain
From a toothache
Irritation or itching
From burns
Various traumas such as sprains or hematomas

Our complete recipes and DIY formulations

3 express recipes & green clay poultice tips

Poultice made from green clay and essential oils of pine and wintergreen

This poultice is magical to relax you and calm your pain. To achieve it, nothing could be simpler.
Pour 12 tablespoons of powderGreen clay in a suitable container and add 5 drops ofScots pine essential oil, 5 drops ofwintergreen essential oil and 1 tablespoon of oil arnica plant. Stir, adding water little by little, until you obtain a thick and homogeneous paste. Spread the mixture on a clean cloth, apply to the painful area and leave for at least 20 minutes to maximize the analgesic and relaxing effect.

Poultice with green clay and clove essential oil

To fight toothache, nothing better than a poultice withGreen clay To fight toothache, nothing better than a poultice with green clay and cloves. Add two to three drops of clove essential oil to your clay paste and you obtain a extremely effective poultice to combat pain, de-inflame the treated area and reduce the risk of formation of a dental abscess. The poultice must be applied directly to the cheek and left in place for at least one hour. The operation can be repeated 3 times a day.

Green clay and cider vinegar poultice

This express poultice recipeGreen clay This express green clay poultice recipe is a must if you suffer from bronchitis.
Mix your powdered green clay with a little cold water to obtain a smooth paste and add a few drops of cider vinegar. Spread a thick layer on a strip of cotton and apply directly to the bronchi, then surround with a strip to hold the poultice for half an hour to an hour. Nothing better to calm breathing difficulties and feelings of heat in the chest!

Properties and benefits

What are the benefits of green clay?

Green clay is essential for your medicine cabinet. This ancestral and magical ingredient has countless virtues for the body and is capable of relieving almost all your daily ailments.

To soothe the inflammatory pain of rheumatism and osteoarthritis

Alone or combined with an essential oil, such as lemon eucalyptus, green clay in a poultice becomes your best ally if you regularly suffer from back pain, rheumatic pain or even osteoarthritis. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, it reduces your pain and helps you regain mobility and joy of life.

To heal wounds and burns

Green clay contributes to the healing of wounds and burns by absorbing impurities and reducing exudates. As a poultice, it soothes pain, prevents infection and allows your skin cells to rebuild more quickly.

To relieve muscles and aches

Did you push yourself too hard during your sports session and wake up sore? Rich in minerals and trace elements, green clay contributes to the remineralization of muscles and the relief of aches. Applied in a thick layer on a clean cloth then placed on sore areas, it acts in one to two hours.

To alleviate a toothache

Have you ever suffered from a toothache? If so, then you need to know how excruciatingly painful it can be! Thanks to its analgesic and soothing power, green clay in a poultice reduces your pain and helps you wait until your appointment with the dentist.

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Detailed properties of green clay

Absorbent and adsorbent

One of the greatest powers of green clay is its power of absorption! Like a sponge, it is capable of absorbing up to 20% of its weight in liquid. It is also adsorbent, which allows it to attract and retain microbes and toxins on its surface. These two properties give it a place of choice in the treatment of leaking wounds, particularly when there is the presence of pus.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic

Powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic, green clay is ideal for repairing tissues, tendons and ligaments. An athlete's best friend, it helps to absorb hematomas in the event of a sprain or contusion and to restore good blood circulation to the injured area. Applied as a poultice, overnight, it significantly reduces inflammation.

Purifying and soothing

Due to its absorbent action, green clay is one of the essentials in cosmetics and is particularly recommended for combination to oily skin, where sebum is in excess. Cleansing, decongestant and remineralizing, it takes care of your skin by deeply purifying it and gently freeing it of its impurities. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and soothing powers, it takes care of dry skin prone to irritation and softens the skin.

Precautions for use

Externally, green clay is suitable for all skin types and has no contraindications. However, it is advisable to limit its use if you have very dry skin at the risk of drying it out even more.

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