Oily skin file. Essential oils, vegetable oils and homemade recipes
Oily skin is skin whose mechanisms are partially dysfunctional: sebum, for example, is produced in too large a quantity and clogs the pores. The skin shines, the pores are dilated and pimples appear in some cases.

Oily skin problems are a real nightmare for some women! Oily skin is skin whose mechanisms are partially dysfunctional: sebum, for example, is produced in too large a quantity and clogs the pores. The skin shines, the pores are dilated and pimples appear in some cases. We have put together a special file for oily skin to explain how to take good care of it and give you some advice, tips and ideas for natural recipes for a life in harmony with your skin.

On the other hand, here is some good news: oily skin = LESS WRINKLES (see the explanations further down in the article).

Oily skin file. Essential oils, vegetable oils, cosmetic treatments and recipes


   Express recipes   

Oily skin cleansing lotion

Oily skin cleansing lotion

Ingredients :


How to use it ?

Pour all the ingredients in the order listed and shake vigorously. Apply morning and evening to damp face in circular motions. Rinse with clean water.
Tea tree essential oil against oily skin. Day cream recipe.

Tea tree essential oil against oily skin. Day cream recipe.

Ingredients :


Preparation: Pour the hazelnut oil into a first bowl and add the drops of vitamin E. Mix gently then add the Cutine. Pour the lavender hydrosol and baking soda into a second bowl. Place both bowls in a bain-marie and heat without mixing. As soon as the Cutina has completely melted, wait another minute to reach the right temperature. Remove the two bowls from the bain-marie and pour the bowl with the aqueous phase (hydrosol) into the oily phase (hazelnut oil). Immediately beat the mixture for 5 minutes with a mini whisk or fork until you obtain a smooth cream. Leave to cool and then add the isocide and the tea tree essential oil. Pour into a jar and use within 3 months of preparation (shelf life date).

How to use it ?

Use on cleansed skin in the morning.
“Perfect skin” mask and scrub duo for oily skin:

“Perfect skin” mask and scrub duo for oily skin:

Ingredients :


Preparation: Mix the clay and walnut shell powder, then add the other ingredients and mix until you obtain a homogeneous paste.

How to use it ?

Use twice a week for oily skin: apply to damp face, massage in circular movements over the entire face, and leave for a few minutes. If your skin is oily and hyper-reactive (blushes easily), you can only use this scrub once a year.
Oily skin: Purifying and regenerating mask with rosewood essential oil

Oily skin: Purifying and regenerating mask with rosewood essential oil

Ingredients :


Preparation: Mix the Rhassoul in a bowl with the olive oil, lavender hydrosol and sterilized water. When the preparation is homogeneous, integrate the other ingredients into the preparation. Mix with a spatula (or maryse) until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough. Transfer the cream into the pot.

How to use it ?

Use the mask once a week on damp skin and leave on for 5 minutes. Before each application, take steam baths for 2 to 4 minutes to dilate the pores and allow optimal action of the mask.


Some essential oils are not suitable for pregnant women (during the entire pregnancy), breastfeeding women and children under 8 years old.
Carefully read the precautions and restrictions on the use of each essential oil.

   Recognize and identify your skin type

How to know and identify your skin type? (oily, dry, combination skin, etc.)

How to know and identify your skin type? (oily, dry, combination skin, etc.)

In order to use the most suitable products, you must first know your skin type. Here are the main characteristics of the 5 main skin types:

  • Dry skin: the skin is very thin, pores are almost invisible and sebum production is minimal. The skin reacts very quickly to the sun, wind and cold, it is rough and dull. The first wrinkles appear more quickly on dry skin. Dryness of the skin increases with age.
  • Oily skin: the skin shines, the pores are dilated and tend to become clogged and form pimples and blackheads. Oily skin becomes less and less oily with age.
  • Combination skin: the skin shines on the forehead, the sides of the nose and the chin. The rest of the face is soft or rather dry, the skin is fine and the pores are invisible. Combination skin is typically a mixture of dry skin and oily skin depending on the areas of the face considered.
  • Normal skin: the skin has almost no shine, it is soft and fine. The complexion is natural, slightly pink on the cheeks. There are almost no blackheads or irritation.
  • Sensitive skin: the skin is reactive, it reddens quickly. A feeling of discomfort is generally felt: tingling, tight skin, and tickling. The face and areas exposed to cold and sun are most affected.

You have made sure that your skin tends to be oily so these tips will be valuable to you. If not, check out our other articles related to your skin type.

Why does my skin shine? The origins of oily skin.

Why does my skin shine? The origins of oily skin.

Thick skin and excess sebum production - these are the main reasons for shine well known to everyone who has oily skin. Sebum clogs pores and forms blackheads. But where could the problem come from?

  • Heredity. Nothing helps, we cannot separate ourselves from the genes that gave us this problem. You will therefore have to give your skin more time and, above all, use the most suitable products to limit shine.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Adolescents are most often affected during puberty. Usually this problem disappears after the 25th birthday. Male hormones (testosterone) are also linked to acne and young boys are more affected than girls.
  • Stress. People who are depressed or prone to stress are more likely to have oily skin. Above all, we must eliminate the source of depression and stress in order to allow the skin to regain all its beauty.
  • Bad nutrition. You should limit fast food, fatty foods and sugar. Fruits and vegetables are the allies of perfect skin.

    The best essential oils for oily skin    


Essential oils against oily skin:

Here is our selection of the TOP 5 of the most effective and best-suited essential oils for treating problems related to oily skin.

Tea tree essential oil:

It is the EO for problem skin par excellence. Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, it is purifying and very effective in fighting blackheads and small inflammations of the skin. In addition, it is well tolerated!

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Lemon essential oil:

Antiseptic and antioxidant, it helps regulate sebum production, cleanse and tighten pores.

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Rose Geranium essential oil:

Calms skin inflammations, regulates sebum production. It is antibacterial and astringent: it tightens pores and fights against pimples.

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True Lavender essential oil:

General antiseptic, it is also a powerful healing and regenerating oil. Local painkiller, it also helps soothe painful spots.

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Noble chamomile essential oil:

one of the best oils for calming irritated skin and inflammation. This oil helps to quickly get rid of pimples and avoid redness.

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    Vegetable oils suitable for oily skin    


Vegetable oils suitable for oily skin:

Here is our selection of the TOP 4 of the most effective and best suited vegetable oils (penetrating, non-comedogenic, regulating, etc.) to treat problems linked to oily skin.

Huile the jojoba:

This vegetable wax (solid below 14°) is suitable for all skin types, even the most oily. It regulates sebum production and protects the skin from aging. Very penetrating, it leaves the skin soft and non-greasy.

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Nuts oil:

This easy-to-use virgin oil can be used by the whole family and for all skin types. It is toning and hydrates problem skin without making it greasy. It is very penetrating and smells of hazelnuts. Be careful, however, for people allergic to nuts!

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Black seed oil :

Used as a virgin oil, a carrier for essential oils or as an active ingredient in itself, black seed oil works miracles for oily and problem skin. It is useful to fight against skin aging and against skin problems: acne or eczema. Although considered one of the most active HVs, it remains well tolerated.

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Grapeseed oil:

With a very balanced composition in fatty acids, it deeply nourishes the skin and regulates sebum production. Very penetrating, it does not leave a greasy film on the skin. It is also a good antioxidant and therefore fights against skin aging.

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    Hydrosols suitable for oily skin    


Essential hydrosols for oily skin:

Here is our selection of the TOP 3 hydrosols for your beauty routine if you have skin that tends to grease easily.

Rosemary hydrosol:

Astringent, purifying, tonic. Helps fight pimples, tighten pores and regulate sebum production.

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Roman chamomile hydrosol:

Anti-inflammatory, astringent and calming. Roman chamomile hydrosol helps rebalance combination and oily skin and soothes sensitive skin.

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Rose (and lavender) hydrosol

excellent active ingredient for purifying the skin, it is also toning and anti-wrinkle. Its scent soothes and refreshes.

Complete product sheet / go to the store


Without forgetting the Immortelle and chamomile hydrosols having more or less the same properties as the corresponding EOs but without contraindications or precautions for use!


  Health explanation   

What to do to limit the shine of oily skin?

  • First of all, learn how to clean your skin. The ideal is to clean it twice a day (morning and evening) using gentle, alcohol-free products. Say STOP to products that contain alcohol. They dry out the skin and never solve an oily skin problem but, on the contrary, increase sebum production. Indeed, in reaction to alcohol, the skin produces even more sebum and the boomerang effect is not long in coming.
  • Then don't forget to hydrate it. Yes, you read correctly, HYDRATE. Do not confuse moisturizing and nourishing: dry skin must be nourished (with oil-based creams for example), oily skin must always be hydrated (with creams rich in the aqueous phase and poor in the oily phase). All skin needs hydration. Excess sebum does not mean that your skin is very hydrated. It is important to choose the right formula for your cream. The ideal is a light cream that penetrates easily without leaving a layer of grease.
  • Once a week don't forget to go through the scrub box. Exfoliation helps eliminate dead cells and unclog pores. Note that too frequent and too forceful use will have the opposite effect and your skin could shine even more due to the rebound effect, as with alcohol.
  • Once or twice a month, make masks. The best mask is the one with clay which helps absorb excess sebum and regulate its production. Again, don't try to do them every day otherwise you'll have the opposite effect.


Did you know that… oily skin = fewer wrinkles…

Oily skin is better protected against the appearance of wrinkles. With age, cells produce less and less sebum and will lose their elasticity. If dry skin and normal skin are affected earlier by this problem, it is mainly due to a lack of sebum. Oily skin will retain its elasticity longer. This is rather good news !

But before talking about wrinkles, here are some natural tips for taking good care of your oily skin on a daily basis.




      Daily tips   

Everyday Tips and Tricks for Oily Skin:

Everyday Tips and Tricks for Oily Skin:

  • Wash your face at least twice a day with VERY gentle cleansers to remove excess oil and prevent bacteria from growing.
  • Avoid excessively prolonged exposure to the sun because the sun risks increasing sebum production and inflammation.
  • Do regular scrubs and masks to deeply cleanse the skin and unclog pores.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, as the skin loses its elasticity and radiance.
  • Drink at least 1.5L of water per day
  • Eat fruits and vegetables daily for a daily intake of vitamins and minerals.
  • Hydrate your skin by choosing light creams.

Hyaluronic acid for face and skin
Discover the benefits of hyaluronic acid. How and why use hyaluronic acid for your facial care? discover its anti-aging properties and its benefits against wrinkles. Moisturizing and plumping, it's a must-have.